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Shortcut Menus

Depending on the selected object, a popup menu may be available and it will offer commands you can perform on the object.

Some popup menus are very limited, for example, in a text field, right-clicking it will offer Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All and Undo.

The My Place Tree has a popup menu where some commands can only be accessed here.

Shortcut Menu for My Place Tree

Propagate Style Url to Descendants: Available when the selected feature is a container (Document or Folder) and when the container has a Style Url defined. Opens a dialog where you can decide how to apply shared styles to descendant features. Any child features that are of type Document are not affected because they themselves are Shared Styles containers.
Remove Descendants Style Urls: Available when the selected feature is a container (Document or Folder) and when the container has a Style Url defined. Opens a dialog where you can decide how to remove Shared Styles to descendant features. The container feature that triggered the shortcut menu keeps its Shared Style Url. Any child features that are of type Document are not affected because they themselves are Shared Styles containers.
Clear Descendant's Style Urls: Available when the selected feature is a container (Document or Folder) and when the container does not have a Shared Style Url defined. Any child features that are of type Document are not affected because they themselves are Shared Styles containers.

The HTML editors has an extensive popup menus and undo/redo capabilities. The undo/redo capability is only available while inside the HTML editor. Moving outside the editor or pressing F6 to save its content will reset the undo.

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